Tuesday, 30 November 2010


 He's staring at me now, in a few minutes he'll go back to staring at a wall I expect.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Chocolate Earworm

'Do you dream in chocolate?’ that’s weird, right?! That’s the subconscious power of advertising right…wrong… than you need - insert some sort of commercially clichéd line. Stuck in my head and driving me nuts, why are you there Lindt chocolatiers!

The Modern Universe

Although not as modern as it once was, still a great cover ! Line drawings by A.Spark. Published by Readers Union - Hodder & Stoughton. (London 1957)

Thursday, 25 November 2010


 This book is great! A wordless book showing a series of scenes, each gets further away from the last. By Istvan Banyai, (1995, published by the Penguin Group)

Arrow to the Sun

Picked up this rather lovely 1974 Penguin book. Illustrated by Gerald McDermott. I really like the graphic and bold imagery. The art work is rendered in gouache and ink.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Cat Eyed Boy

I picked up both vol of kazuo Umezu's Cat eyed Boy the other day...ah so very odd. :-)

Friday, 5 November 2010

While We Slept

  Bit of an experiment; though I'd draw using a really old iMac today...veerryy slooow, Photoshop barely functions. See how I work around it...in a limitation alters process kinda way- forcing me to go simple rudimentary on my Mac, was liberating graphic fun. Zzz's all round to the sleepy theme.